Since an early age I've been creating, building and modifying the world in which we live. Raised by some master crafters, I've learned so many skills they all seem to have blended together into a meta-skill. I'm a creative problem solver and a college educated analyzer of businesses and systems. I bring a broad perspective having lived and worked in the most rural settings to the most modern of locals, and I'm at home everywhere I go.

My Sweet Hell’s Kitchen Workshop

When I first took over managing and rebuilding the buildings that constitute Hell’s Kitchen Rooms, I spent a month doing 6 months worth of accounting for around 270 tenants to catch our accounting program up to the present.  Immediately following that  I took the largest space we had in the buildings, which just happened to be the space our boiler was in,  and started setting up a proper workshop.  For years I worked around these buildings without any proper space to get quality work done in.














In place of real biographical information (which requires time and effort that has yet to be expended) let me just offer this brief bit. College Educated Academic Type with a Combined Business Major specializing in Analyzing Things. Coupled with an Artistic Earth-Centered Country-Raised Kid with an Expansive-Green-Organic Adulthood while being many things including Heretic Ecentric and Risk-Taker. In there somewhere, you might find some insight into the cognitive being known as Lee Semanek.

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