Welcome to my exploration and exposition of construction.
[Site Est. Fall 2011]
Welcome to my website. If you are interested in construction in general, have construction work you need to do and would like to see a bit of how the process works, or are interested in getting a sense of me and my work – hopefully you will like what you see. If you are viewing this website for the first time, allow me to explain briefly what you are going to find herein.
<<click on any picture to bring up a larger sized version.>>
To the right you will see a list of construction examples that will allow you to access articles that fit into different construction themes such as electrical, woodworking, brickwork, and so forth. You will find some articles showing up under more than one category. If, for instance, you are interested in viewing my electrical work, then select that category and you will be taken to a page with links to all of the posts under the electrical category. Each post will show some sort of process, special problems I have encountered, something specific like how a brick wall is re-pointed, and so forth. These posts are largely shaped by the pictures I happen to have taken over the years. Much to my chagrin, I failed to document some great projects, a disappointment that has shaped me into a much better chronicler of my work. I take pride in doing quality work, and specialize in electrical, carpentry, brick work, drywall, and finishing (painting, floor finishes), and plumbing – from a trades perspective. I have a good deal of experience managing the work of others, but love to be hands on. I prefer to do environmentally sensible and efficient construction. I am very good a collaborating with owners and designers to bring their visions into being. Most everything you will see here is work in New York City, and I ‘ll make note in the individual posts of work outside of the city.
This website has been 100% created by myself. I am solely responsible for the images and the words that you will see herein. As such, hopefully it will give you and insight into what I am capable of and how I express myself. I have many talents, and I quickly pick up more as the need arises.
I am fully equipped with a multitude of tools. Rebuilding and maintaining buildings in NYC has built me into a complete package. I am prepared to tackle just about any problem that comes my way. I especially enjoy working on custom build-ins to help maximize a person’s space in this terribly space challenged city.